We create custom Virtual Learning Environments (VLEs) that offer an exciting way to learn new skills or onboard employees online.
We know how important it is to your business to keep up with customer and employee expectations, as well as advance their knowledge and skills. With more people now looking for flexible learning options, we offer custom Virtual Learning Environments that can be designed to your needs and are readily accessible via desktop or mobile web browsers.
Our cutting-edge VLE platform allows you to create your own unique learning plans, complete with certifications and analytics.
Example of a Virtual Learning Environments, contact us for more examples
If you own a business or run an organization it can be hard to justify the expense of a Virtual Learning Environment. But here are the top reasons why it could be worth the money:
1. You don’t have time for training courses and/or onboarding as it can be time-consuming (and expensive).
2. You want more control over the training process. With a Virtual Learning Environment, you have full control over the content and execution.
3. You want your people to be able to access important knowledge whenever possible.
Get your own VLE for your business. Our platforms are made to fit your needs and make learning fun. We can develop a custom VLE to get you on track for employee training and/or professional development.
The first thing to do is assess your needs. What will your online virtual learning environment teach, and what features are needed?
We’re happy to inform you about your own Virtual Learning Environment without any obligations. Contact us whenever you’re ready.
Virtual learning is a way to learn content and skills without having to actually be in the same physical space. Virtual learning environments exist online, and they can be used by students (or employees) of all ages and abilities.
The best virtual learning environment is one that allows the student to learn at their own pace, in their own time, and without having to worry about interruptions or distractions. The virtual environment can also include opportunities for feedback so users can continue to improve their skills.
Virtual learning environments are a type of online learning that involves the use of (online) software to educate students/employees. These programs allow users to interact with knowledge and/or teachers. They can learn from teachers who may not be able to physically meet with their class in person.
Virtual learning environments can vary greatly depending on what type of software is being used. For example, some programs allow users to view classes and answer tests. Others allow users to take part in simulations where they are put into different situations and must solve problems on their own. These programs can also include interactive elements like quizzes.
Virtual learning environments offer many advantages over traditional classroom learning.
Firstly, users can learn from anywhere, which means they don’t have to be physically present at a particular location to access their course materials. This makes it easier for them to complete their coursework on time, and it also gives them the freedom to work flexible hours.
Secondly, virtual learning environments allow users to interact with instructors and other learners in real time through video chat or other similar features. This means that users can ask questions about the course material—either directly or via text chat—and receive immediate feedback from their instructors or fellow users. In addition, virtual learning environments often include tools that allow users to collaborate on projects together, which can help them learn more efficiently by sharing ideas with one another and working together collaboratively on group projects rather than individually.
Finally, virtual learning environments offer many other advantages over traditional classroom learning such as reduced costs; they also provide greater flexibility regarding scheduling since there isn’t always an instructor scheduled at specific times like there would be in traditional classrooms.
Virtual learning means you can learn from anywhere, as long as you have an internet connection. In a virtual learning environment, you can watch videos, read documents, and interact with other users (students or employees) and teachers.
Virtual learning is done in a Virtual Learning Environment (VLE).
Virtual learning environments are better for students because they provide them with a variety of tools to learn in different ways, which can help them learn more efficiently.
Students can have a more personal experience when they’re learning online because they have control over the environment—the software and hardware they use, the pace at which they learn, the length of time they study.
Virtual learning environments also connect students with one another in ways that are impossible in traditional classrooms. Online courses allow students to collaborate, share ideas, and work together on projects. This collaboration can lead to better understanding of concepts, as well as more interesting class discussions.
Virtual learning environments are a relatively new phenomenon, but the concept of “virtual” has been around for centuries. The first use of the word “virtual” in its modern sense—meaning “existing or operating in effect though not in fact”—was by William Whewell in 1833.
The earliest known online course was offered by MIT’s Education Arcade project in 1994, and it was just a collection of text files and hypertext documents. The project was shut down after only three months because it was too expensive to maintain.
In 1999, MIT launched OpenCourseWare, which made all of their course materials available online for free under a Creative Commons license. This served as an inspiration to other universities to do the same with their course material as well as develop their own virtual learning environments (VLEs).
E-learning is an online course that provides students with a virtual classroom. Virtual Learning Environments (VLEs) are similar to e-learning, but they provide a more complete learning experience. Instead of just focusing on the content, VLEs also help students develop skills because of the “learning by doing element” and critical thinking.
The main difference between e-learning and VLEs is that e-learning focuses on providing a venue for classes, while VLEs go beyond that to also provide tools for collaboration, communication, and project management.